

Category: Orthodox

Great Doxology

by Newnameelizabeth

Великое славословие



Сла́ва Тебе́, показа́вшему нам свет!

Glory to Thee, Who has shown us the light!



Сла́ва в вы́шних Бо́гу, и на земли́ мир, в челове́цех благоволе́ние.

Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, and to men good will.

Хва́лим Тя, благослови́м Тя, кла́няем Ти ся, славосло́вим Тя, благодари́м Тя вели́кия ра́ди сла́вы Твоея́.

Praise we Thee, bless we Thee, bow we to Thee, glorify we Thee, give thanks to Thee great for glory Thy.

Го́споди, Царю́ Небе́сный, Бо́же, О́тче Вседержи́телю,

Oh Lord, King Heavenly, God, Father Almighty,

Го́споди Сы́не Единоро́дный, Иису́се Христе́, и Святы́й Ду́ше.

Oh Lord, Son Onlybegotten, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.

Го́споди Бо́же, А́гнче Бо́жий, Сы́не Оте́чь, взе́мляй грехи́ ми́ра, поми́луй нас.

Oh Lord God, Lamb God, Son of the Father, (take away) sin earth, have mercy on us.

Взе́мляй грехи́ ми́ра, приими́ моли́тву на́шу.

Takest sins world, receive prayer our.

Седя́й одесну́ю Отца́, поми́луй нас.

Dwells right hand Father, have mercy on us.

Я́ко Ты еси́ Еди́н Свят; Ты еси́ Еди́н Госпо́дь, Иису́с Христо́с, в сла́ву Бо́га Отца́, ами́нь.

For Thou art alone Holy; Thou art alone Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory God Father, amen.

На всяк день благословлю́ Тя и восхвалю́ и́мя Твое́ во ве́ки, и в век ве́ка.

On every day I bless Thee and praise name Thy for ever, and ever and ever.

Сподо́би, Го́споди, в день сей без греха́ сохрани́тися нам!

Vouchsafe, Oh Lord, in day this without sin save us!

Благослове́н еси́, Го́споди Бо́же оте́ц на́ших,

Blessed art Thou, Lord God fathers our,

и хва́льно и просла́влено и́мя Твое́ во ве́ки, ами́нь.

And Praised and glorified name Thy for ever, amen.

Бу́ди, Го́споди, ми́лость Твоя́ на нас, я́коже упова́хом на Тя.

Do, Oh Lord, mercy Thy on us, for we hope in Thee.

Благослове́н еси́, Го́споди, научи́ мя оправда́нием Твои́м (трижды).

Blessed art Thou, Oh Lord, teach me justifications Thy.

Го́споди! Прибе́жище был еси́ нам в род и род.

Oh Lord! Refuge hast been Thou our from generations and generations.

Аз рех: Го́споди! поми́луй мя, исцели́ ду́шу мою́, я́ко согреши́х Тебе́.

I said: Lord! have mercy on me, heal soul my, for I have sinned against Thee.

Го́споди! к Тебе́ прибего́х: научи́ мя твори́ти во́лю Твою́,

Oh Lord! Unto Thee do I cling: teach me to do will Thy,

я́ко Ты еси́ Бог мой,

For Thou art God my,

я́ко у Тебе́ исто́чник живота́, во све́те Твое́м у́зрим свет.

For in Thee is source of life, in light Thy shall we see light.

Проба́ви ми́лость Твою́ ве́дущим Тя!

Continue mercy Thy unto those who follow Thee!

Святы́й Бо́же, Святы́й Кре́пкий, Святы́й Безсме́ртный, поми́луй нас! (трижды).

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us! (thrice)

Сла́ва Отцу́ и Сы́ну и Свято́му Ду́ху, и ны́не и при́сно и во ве́ки веко́в, ами́нь.

Glory Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Святы́й Безсме́ртный, поми́луй нас.

Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Святы́й Бо́же, Святы́й Кре́пкий, Святы́й Безсме́ртный, поми́луй нас!

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!

The Creed

by Newnameelizabeth

Символ веры

Symbol Faith

Верую во единаго Бога Отца, Вседержителя,

I believe in one God Father, “Almighty”,

Творца небу и земли, видимым же всем и невидимым.

“Creator” heaven and earth, “visible” “expressing contrasting” all and invisible.

И во единаго Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия,

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son God,

Единороднаго, Иже от Отца рожденнаго прежде всех век;

Onebegotten, One of Father born before all ages;

Света от Света, Бога истинна от Бога истинна,

Light of Light, God true of God true,

рожденна, несотворенна, единосущна Отцу, Имже вся быша.

Born, not made, one essence Father, Whom all “things were made”.

Нас ради человек и нашего ради спасения

Us for men and our for salvation

сшедшаго с небес и воплотившагося от Духа Свята и Марии Девы и вочеловечшася.

“Came down” from heaven and was”embodied” of Spirit Holy and Mary Virgin and ‘as’man.

Распятаго же за ны при Понтийстем Пилате,

“Crucified” for us under Pontius Pilate,

и страдавша, и погребенна.

and suffered, and was buried.

И воскресшаго в третий день по Писанием.

And rose up on third day according to Scriptures.

И возшедшаго на небеса, и седяща одесную Отца.

And ascended to heaven, and sits “right hand” Father.

И паки грядущаго со славою судити живым и мертвым,

And again will “graduate” with glory judge living and dead,

Егоже Царствию не будет конца.

Whose Kingdom not will be ended.

И в Духа Святаго, Господа, Животворящаго,

And in Spirit Holy, Lord, Lifegiver,

Иже от Отца исходящего, Иже со Отцем и Сыном спокланяема и сславима,

From the Father “outgoing”, Who with Father and Son worshiped and glorified,

глаголавшаго пророки.

Spoke forth by prophets.

Во едину Святую, Соборную и Апостольскую Церковь.

In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Исповедую едино крещение во оставление грехов.

“I confess” one baptism for forgiveness sins.

Чаю воскресения мертвых, и жизни будущаго века. Аминь.

I look for resurrection dead, and life future-coming age. Amen.


(there are a lot of “щаго”s. There are a lot of comings.)

Псалом 50 Psalm 50

by Newnameelizabeth

Псалом 50

Psalm 50

Помилуй мя, Боже, по велицей милости Твоей,

Have mercy on me, Oh God, “by” great mercy Thy,

и по множеству щедрот Твоих очисти беззаконие мое.

And by “plurality” compassions Thy cleanse transgressions my.

Наипаче омый мя от беззакония моего,

“Yet more” wash me from transgressions my

и от греха моего очисти мя;

And from sin my cleanse me;

яко беззаконие мое аз знаю,

For transgressions my “I know”,

и грех мой предо мною есть выну.

And sins my “before” me are “taken out”.

Тебе Единому согреших и лукавое пред Тобою сотворих,

To Thee only have I sinned and evil before Thee “created”.

(now also using St. Tikhon’s Press Slavonic/English prayer book, which seems to be more literal. I will still put in Russian order if English sentence structure is different. Also using online translators mostly till waiting for my dictionary. I realize conjugations are off. I’m mainly concerned with root words for now.)

яко да оправдишися во словесех Твоих,

That let be justified in words Thy,

и победиши внегда судити Ти.

And conquer always when judge Thou.

Се бо, в беззакониих зачат есмь,

Behold, in iniquities “shapened” was I.

и во гресех роди мя мати моя.

And in sin bore me mother my.

Се бо, истину возлюбил еси;

Behold, truth hast “loved” Thou;

безвестная и тайная премудрости Твоея явил ми еси.

“obscure” and “secret” wisdom Thy revealed to me Thou.

Окропиши мя иссопом, и очищуся;

Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed.

омыеши мя, и паче снега убелюся.

Wash me, and “more so” made “white”r?

Слуху моему даси радость и веселие;

To hearing my Thou shalt give joy and gladness;

возрадуются кости смиренныя.

Rejoice bones that are humbled.

Отврати лице Твое от грех моих и вся беззакония моя очисти.

“Turn away” “the person (face?) of” Thy from sin my and all transgressions my cleanse.

Сердце чисто созижди во мне, Боже,

Heart “purely” “I(Thou?) will build” in me, O God,

и дух прав обнови во утробе моей.

and spirit right renew in “womb” my.

Не отвержи мене от лица Твоего и Духа Твоего Святаго не отыми от мене.

Not reject me from person Thy and Spirit Thy Holy not take from me.

Воздаждь ми радость спасения Твоего и Духом владычним утверди мя.

Воз “who” give”me joy salvation Thy and Spirit “episcopal” “strengthen” me.

Научу беззаконыя путем Твоим,

Teach “without law” by (ways?) Thy.

и нечестивии к Тебе обратятся.

And ungodly to Thee turn.

Избави мя от кровей, Боже, Боже спасения моего;

Deliver me from “bloods”, O God, O God salvation my;

возрадуется язык мой правде Твоей.

Rejoice (tongue?) my righteousness Thy.

Господи, устне мои отверзеши, и уста моя возвестят хвалу Твою.

Lord, lips my open, and mouth my “herald” praise Thy.

Яко аще бы восхотел еси жертвы, дал бых убо:

For (if?) “would” “willed” Thou “victim”, “I give” would (?):

всесожжения не благоволиши.

“Burnt offering” not thankful(?).

Жертва Богу дух сокрушен; сердце сокрушенно и смиренно Бог не уничижит.

“Victim” to God spirit “crushed”; heart crushed and humbled God not despise.

Ублажи, Господи, благоволением Твоим Сиона, и да созиждутся стены Иерусалимския.

Do good, O Lord, good will Thy Zion, and let be built walls Jerusalem.

Тогда благоволиши жертву правды, возношение и всесожегаемая; тогда возложат на oлтарь Твой тельцы.

“Then” Thou will be pleased victim/sacrifice of righteousness/truth, oblations and burnt offerings; Then they lay on alter Thy calves.

cont with Молитва ко Пресвятой Троице

by Newnameelizabeth

Молитва ко Пресвятой Троице

Prayer to Most (Пре) Holy Trinity

Пресвятая Троице, помилуй нас; Господи, очисти грехи наша; Владыко, прости беззакония наша; Святый, посети и исцели немощи наша, имене Твоего ради.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse sins our; Master, “sorry lawlessness” our; Holy One, visit and heal infirmities our, name Thy for.

Господи, помилуй. (Трижды).

Lord, have mercy. (“Thrice”)

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу, и ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь[3].

Glory Father and Son and Holy Spirit, and now and ever and ever ages. Amen.

Молитва Господня

Prayer Lord’s

Отче наш,

Father our,

Иже еси на небесех!

Who art in heaven!

Да святится имя Твое,

Let holy be Thy name,

да приидет Царствие Твое,

Let come Kingdom Thy,

да будет воля Твоя, яко на небеси и на земли.

Let be done will Thy, as in heaven and on earth.

Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь;

Bread our “daily” “give” us “today”;

и остави нам долги наша,

And forgive us debts our,

якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим;

as and we forgive debtors our;

и не введи нас во искушение, но избави нас от лукаваго.

And not lead us into temptation, but deliver us of evil.

Тропари Троичные (with help from here)

Troparia “Trinity”

Воставше от сна, припадаем Ти, Блаже, и ангельскую песнь вопием Ти, Сильне: Свят, Свят, Свят еси, Боже, Богородицею помилуй нас.

Having risen of “sleep”, most”fall” before Thee, O Blessed One, and angelic “hymn” “cry out” to Thee, “Stronger” One: Holy, Holy, Holy, thou, Oh God, Theotokos through have mercy on us.

Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу.

Glory to Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

От одра и сна воздвигл мя еси, Господи, ум мой просвети и сердце, и устне мои отверзи, во еже пети Тя, Святая Троице: Свят, Свят, Свят еси, Боже, Богородицею помилуй нас.

From bed and sleep raised me Thou, Oh Lord, “mind” my “enlighten” and heart, and lips my “open to”, that I may praise Thee, O Holy Trinity: Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O God, Through the Theotokos have mercy on us.

И ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Внезапно Судия приидет, и коегождо деяния обнажатся, но страхом зовем[4] в полунощи: Свят, Свят, Свят еси, Боже, Богородицею помилуй нас.

“Suddenly” the Judge shall come, and everyone’s “acts” “naked”, but “fear” “call” “at” “the midnight”: Holy, Holy, Holy Thou, O God, through Theotokos have mercy on us.

Господи, помилуй. (12 раз)

Lord, have mercy. (12 times)

Молитва ко Пресвятой Троице

Prayer to Most Holy Trinity (with help from here)

От сна востав, благодарю Тя, Святая Троице,

From sleep arisen, I “thank” Thee, O Holy Trinity,

яко многия ради Твоея благости и долготерпения не прогневался еси на мя, лениваго и грешнаго,

that “many” “for” “Thy” goodness and “longsuffering” no “wroth” Thou “on” me, idler and sinner,

ниже погубил мя еси со беззаконьми моими;

 nor destroyed me Thou with iniquities mine;

но человеколюбствовал еси обычно и в нечаянии лежащаго воздвигл мя еси,

“but” mankind love shown Thou “usual” when with not “the hope of” in despair raised me Thou hast,

во еже утреневати и славословити державу Твою.

to watch and praise “power” Thy.

И ныне просвети мои очи мысленныя, отверзи моя уста поучатися словесем Твоим,

 And now “illumine” my “eye” mind’s, open  my mouth that meditate words Thy,

и разумети заповеди Твоя, и творити волю Твою,

and “understand” commandments Thy, and do will Thy,

и пети Тя во исповедании сердечнем, и воспевати всесвятое имя Твое, Отца и Сына и Святаго Духа, ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.

and hymn Thee in confession heartfelt, and sing praises name Thy, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. (that was hard)


Приидите, поклонимся Цареви нашему Богу. (Поклон)

Come, worship let us King our God. (“bow”)

Приидите, поклонимся и припадем Христу, Цареви нашему Богу. (Поклон)

Come, worship let us and fall down before Christ, King our God.

Приидите, поклонимся и припадем Самому Христу, Цареви и Богу нашему. (Поклон)

Come, worship let us and fall down before Himself Christ, King and God our.

my Einstein poem

by Newnameelizabeth


dreidel dreidel dreidel

a Jew that married a cradle Orthodox Christian 


St. John of Kronstadt

by Newnameelizabeth

is an example of natural law. He was pretty self-directed in his quest to be God-directed. OrthodoxWiki has some good quotes. His autobiography is here. Sören Kierkegaard is another example.

Sparks Among the Stubble

by Newnameelizabeth

Sparks Among the Stubble, the Liturgical CD from St. Innocent Academy is available through the mail or where I found it, on iTunes. Though St. Innocent Academy is a school for “at risk” high school boys, for some reason there is a women’s as well as a men’s choir. Mostly they sing apart, sometimes antiphonally, and sometimes together. This CD is the most sing-along-able that I have. The Slavonic, Alaskan, and American roots can all be heard in a better ratio than most Orthodox music done in America that I have been exposed to. I wont elaborate, but maybe some know what I mean by that on their own.

Here’s a sample of Eis Aghio, (One is Holy)

They also have a very nice version of “The Angel Cried”.

The Great Doxology

by Newnameelizabeth

I assume this is also from Rachmaninov’s Vespers because it is word for word with this link (towards the bottom).

It’s nice to be able to read the Slavonic and the English side by side while listening, as is provided in the above link. I’ll have to copy them one after another though. Either way it’s hard to view the beautiful pictures at the same time. Sensory overload! It would be best to have the Doxology memorized in English and be able to understand the Slavonic and look at the pictures all at once. Maybe someday.

No. 12 (Pronunciation)
Slava v vishnih Bogu, i na zemli mir,
v chelovetseh blagovoleniye.
Hvalim Tia, blagoslovim Tia,
klaniayem Ti sia, slavoslovim Tia,
blagodarim Tia, velikiya radi slavi Tvoyeya.
Ghospodi, Tsariu Nebesniy, Bozhe Otche Fsederzhiteliu.
Ghospodi, Sine Yedinorodniy, Iisuse Hriste,
i Sviatiy Dushe.
Ghospodi Bozhe, Agnche Bozhiy, Sine Otech,
vzemliay greh mira, pomiluy nas;
vzemliay grehi mira,
priimi molitvu nashu.
Sediay odesnuyu Ottsa,
pomiluy nas.
Yako Ti yesi yedin sviat,
Ti yesi yedni Ghospod, Iisus Hristos,
v slavu Boga Ottsa. Amin
Na fsiak den blagoslovliu Tia
i vos’hvaliu imia Tvoye vo veki i vek veka.
Spodobi, Ghospodi, v den sey bez greha sohranitisia nam.
Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi, Bozhe otets nashih,
i hvalno i proslavleno imia Tvoye vo veki. Amin.
Budi, Ghospodi, milost Tvoya na nas,
yakozhe upovahom na Tia.
Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi, nauchi mia opravdaniyem Tvoim.
Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi, nauchi mia opravdaniyem Tvoim.
Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi, nauchi mia opravdaniyem Tvoim.
Ghospodi, pribezhishche bil yesi nam
v rod i rod.
Az reh: Ghospodi, pomiluy mia,
istseli dushu moyu, yako sogreshih Tebe.
Ghospodi, k Tebe pribegoh,
nauchi mia tvoriti voliu Tvoyu, yako Ti yesi Bog moy,
yako u Tebe istochinik zhivota;
vo svete Tvoyem uzrim svet.
Probavi milost Tvoyu vedushchim Tia.

Sviatiy Bozhe, Sviatiy Krepkiy, Sviatiy Bessmertniy,
pomiluy nas. (3x)
Slava Ottsu i Sinu i Sviatomu Duhu,
i nine i prisno, i vo veki vekov. Amin.
Sviatiy Bessmertniy, pomiluy nas.
Sviatiy Bozhe, Sviatiy Krepkiy, Sviatiy Bessmertniy,
pomiluy nas.

No. 12 (Translation)
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
Good will toward men.
We praise Thee, we bless Thee,
we worship Thee, we glorify Thee,
we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory.
O Lord, Heavenly King, God the Father almighty.
O Lord, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit.
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
who takest away the sin of the world have mercy on us.
Thou who takest away the sin of the world,
receive our prayer.
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For Thou alone art holy,
Thou alone art the Lord, Jesus Christ,
to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Every day I will bless Thee
and praise Thy name forever and ever.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, God of our fathers,
and praised and glorified is Thy name forever. Amen.
Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us,
as we have set our hope on Thee.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
Lord, Thou has been our refuge
from generation to generation.
I said: Lord, have mercy on me,
heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee.
Lord, I flee to Thee,
teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God;
for with Thee is the fountain of life,
and in Thy light we shall see light.
Continue Thy mercy on those who know Thee.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal,
have mercy on us. (3x)
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal,
have mercy on us.

I may have to recategorize my blogroll

by Newnameelizabeth

because the forest may be hiding the many lovely trees. Especially since I’m adding a couple of blogs where I’ve recently made comments.

The Well of Questions provides analysis and insight into things philosophical and theological from four very smart people. I recently tried to talk about time in What Is Past Has Passed, and duty in Supererogatory Actions.

Everyone probably already knows about Arturo Vasquez’s Reditus: A Chronicle of Aesthetic Christianity, which I’ll put in Reconciliation Conversations. I commented on his post about the movie, Luther, on the second page at present, which contains a very interesting conversation contrasting the Catholic and Protestant response.

I’ve already added Diakrisis Logismon‘s valuable Patristic resources, but will call attention to it here as well.

Oh, and I’ve also made a couple of comments concerning the painful subject of the OCA scandal on Gabriel’s Going Along, where he has two recent posts obviously enough titled.

Another Addition

by Newnameelizabeth

James Kelley, “a student of Patristics” has a new blog, Orthodox Patristics, which is pro-Father John Romanides!