

Category: Pysanki

The Book of Kells

by Newnameelizabeth

Speaking of illumination, The Secret of Kells shines with it.

The animation is laced with Celtic symbols inspired by the famous illuminated Gospel book. One review of The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin states that the original book’s symbols came from the Eastern Church. Amazon offers this book and a DVD, The Book of Kells, The Work of Angels, along with the animated movie for a pretty reasonable price.

While watching The Secret of Kells I recognized many of the designs from Ukrainian Pysanky. There’s probably a connection. After being immersed in the colors and designs, I am inspired to begin earlier in the season than usual to start making Pysanky for our Church’s spring sale.

This egg has its first layer of wax to block out what will remain white.

Local CBS slideshow and write-up on our Pysanky Festival

by Newnameelizabeth

Click here.

One note of clarification: We are not planning on building a Cathedral, but would like to build a traditional Church.

Eggs from many baskets

by Newnameelizabeth

Off to the Church Pysanky Festival! Gotta see how all the little chickies do.

Quota fulfilled

by Newnameelizabeth

The second and last dozen, half of them Rachel’s, which are better than mine, are on the Pysanky blog.

Pysanky Season

by Newnameelizabeth

I varnished this year’s first dozen Pysanky eggs yesterday and am always surprised how much the varnish brings out the colors, especially the ones with a black background, like the poppy egg. I hope to make at least one more dozen before my parish’s sale in March. This will happen sooner as my oldest daughter continues to help. I plan to show hers after I varnish our next dozen. We’ll probably be waxing and dying eggs between the Ice Dancing competitors tonight.

Lenten Preparations

by Newnameelizabeth

With the establishment of a couple of nearby monasteries, plus with the inspiration from some pious ladies, I’ve decided to order a couple of new head coverings. In addition to it being a minority component of my home parish, I have in the past found head scarves uncomfortable, distracting, and non-flattering. Actually, this sermon by Elder Zacharias also convicted me of my pride, another stumbling block. It’s not from this past weekend’s conference, which I unfortunately did not make it to, but of a sermon on Zacchaeus Sunday.*

Most head scarves are too heavy, long or slippery for me to comfortably tie and wear. I did a new search yesterday and found these triangular ones that have shorter ties and do not have to be folded. Hopefully they will be less obtrusive and thus less of a distraction.

Another Lenten preparation has to do with my research into Restless Leg Syndrome, which I believe I sometimes have. Apparently it can be eased by increased iron. Steak is high in iron, but with today being meatfare Sunday, it will not be on the menu for a while. I just found that tahini, a middle eastern paste made with sesame seeds is a very rich source of iron. Additionally:

  • Tahini contains a living treasure of amino acids, vitamin and essential acids.
  • Tahini is RICHER in protein than milk, yogurt, almonds, cashews, hazel nuts, walnuts, soya, sunflower, wheat germ, legumes and pecan nuts.
  • Tahini is one of the richest sources of Methionine (an essential amino acid).
  • Tahini also contains natural lecithin, which reduces blood fat levels and provides protection from environmental pollutants such as nicotine.
  • Tahini is the best food source of Calcium. Unlike milk, Tahini is NON MUCOUS FORMING. Other important minerals include Potassium, Phosphorus and Magnesium.
  • Tahini supplies excellent amounts of vitamin E which slows aging of body cells and helps retain proper focusing of the eyes.
  • Tahini is one if the best sources of vitamin T (very few foods are). It improves memory and concentration abilities and in combination with the excellent amount of phosphorous present.
  • Tahini provides a potent brain and nerve food. Vitamin T in combination with the mineral Iron develops healthy blood due to it’s purifying abilities.
  • Vitamin F is an essential vitamin for our bodies to transfer oxygen.
  • It combines protein and cholesterol creating collagen which in turn combats cholesterol particles, leaving you with a cleaner, healthier body.
  • Vitamin A is also well supplied in the B group vitamins in particular vitamin B3.
  • Tahini can be very easily digested within 30 minutes enabling a quick supply of essential nutrients.
  • It also improves Stamina and Endurance to all muscles.

from this site. We’ll see how it tastes. It’s found in humus, but humus is kind of high in carbs. Tahini by itself is low carb, high protein.

My other Lenten activity is making Pysanki for our annual Church Pysanky sale. I use the candle, stylus, beeswax method, but have had a hard time finding replacement stylus nibs. Yesterday I found some at overstock dot com. As soon as all these items come in the mail, I’ll be set! We let Jared take our camera to Rome, so until I can find our old one or we get a new one I’ll not be able to share pics of Pysanky I’ve made this year.

*Most of my family did attend yesterday however. According to George’s account, Archimandrite Zacharias said that one can turn negative reactions to negative treatment into energy to pray, and through that process they can be transfigured into praise and thankfulness. Hopefully the talks will be available online.

New Pysanky Blog

by Newnameelizabeth

WordPress has a photo blog which automatically colors the background of each page-length photo, not that little eggs should be blown up to the size of a whole page. I put some pictures up of years past for fun at mypysanky.wordpress.com.

Since baby Jamie fell asleep in the Lord, and now with baby Fergus’ life in jeopardy, I haven’t felt very “intellectual” lately, and as a result haven’t been reading as much. Pysanky gives me something to concentrate on in a quiet, prayerful and peaceful way. Plus the deadline for the St. Barbara spring sale is this weekend, so I need to keep busy at that, at least for now.